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Quiñones‐Camacho, L. E., Fishburn, F. A., Belardi, K., Williams, D. L., Huppert, T. J., & Perlman, S. B. (2021). Dysfunction in interpersonal neural synchronization as a mechanism for social impairment in autism spectrum disorder. Autism Research. PDF

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Morris, A.S., Wakschlag, L.S., Krogh-Jespersen, S., Fox, N., Planalp, B., Perlman, S.B., Shuffrey, L.C., Smith, B., Lorenzo, N.E., Amso, D., Coles, C.D., & Johnson, S.P. (2020). Principles for guiding the selection of early childhood neurodevelopmental risk and resilience measures: HEALthy brain and child development (HBCD) study as an exemplar. Adversity and Resilience Science. PDF

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Quiñones-Camacho, L.E., Fishburn, F.A., Camacho, M.C., Hlutkowsky, C.O., Huppert, T.J., Wakschlag, L.S., & Perlman, S.B. (2019). Parent-child neural synchrony: A novel approach to elucidating the dyadic mechanisms of preschool irritability. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. PDF

Grabell, A.S., Huppert, T.J., Fishburn, T.J., Li, Y., Hlutkowsky, C.O., Jones, H.M., Wakschlag, L.S., & Perlman, S.B. (2019). Neural correlates of early deliberate emotion regulation: Young children’s responses to interpersonal scaffolding. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. PDF

Grabell, A.S., Jones, H.M., Wilett, A.E., Bemis, L.M., Wakschlag, L.S., & Perlman, S.B. (2019). Children’s facial muscular movements and risk for early psychopathology: Assessing clinical utility. Behavior Therapy. PDF

Wakschlag, L.S., Krogh-Jespersen, S., Estabrook, C.R., Hlutkowsky, C.O., Anderson, E., Burns, J.L., Briggs-Gowan, M., Petitclerc, A., & Perlman, S.B. (2019). The early childhood irritability-related impairment interview (E-CRI): A novel method for assessing young children’s developmentally-impairing irritability. Behavior Therapy. PDF

Quiñones-Camacho, L.E., Fishburn, F.A., Camacho, M.C., Wakschlag, L.S., & Perlman, S.B. (2019). Cognitive flexibility-related prefrontal activation in preschoolers: A biological approach to temperamental effortful control. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. PDF

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Grabell, A.S., Huppert, T.J., Fishburn, F.A., Li, Y., Jones, H.M., Wilett, A.E., Bemis, L.M., & Perlman, S.B. (2018). Using facial muscular movements to understand young children’s emotion regulation and concurrent neural activation. Developmental Science. 21(5): e12628. PDF

Fishburn, F.A., Murty, V.P., Hlutkowsky, C.O. MacGillivray, C.E., Bemis, L.M., Murphy, M.E., Huppert, T.E., & Perlman, S.B. (2018). Putting our Heads Together: Interpersonal Neural Synchronization as a Biological Mechanism for Shared Intentionality. Social Cognition and Affective Neuroscience. 841-849. PDF

Joseph, H.M, Kennedy, T.M., Gnagy, E.M., Perlman, S.B., Pelham, W., & Molina, B.S.G. (2018). Fathers with Childhood ADHD, Parenting, and Their Young Children’s Behavior: Offspring of the Pittsburgh ADHD Longitudinal Study (PALS). Child Psychiatry & Human Development. 1-10. PDF

Horowitz-Kraus, T., Woodburn, M., Rajagopal, A., Versace, A, Kowatch, R.A., Bertocci, M.A., Bebko., Almedi, J. R.C., & Perlman, S.B. (2018). Decreased functional connectivity in the fronto-parietal network in children with mood disorders compared to children with dyslexia during rest: an fMRI study. NeuroImage: Clinical. 18: 582-590. PDF

Grabell, A.S, Li, Y., Barker, J., Wakschlag., L.S., Huppert, T., & Perlman, S.B. (2018) Evidence of Non-Linear Associations between Frustration-Related Prefrontal Cortex Activation and the Normal: Abnormal Spectrum of Irritability in Young Children. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. 46(1), 137-147. PDF


Wakschlag, L.S., Perlman, S.B., Blair, R.J., Leibeibluft, E., Briggs-Gowan, M.J., & Pine, D.S. (2017). The Neurodevelopmental basis of early of childhood disruptive behavior:irritable and callous phenotypes as exemplars. American Journal of Psychiatry. 175, 114-130. PDF

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Horowitz-Kraus, T., Holland, S.K., Versace, A., Bertocci, M., Bebko, G., Almeida, J., Perlman, S.B. et al. (2017). Reading related white matter structures in adolescents are influenced more by dysregulation of emotion than behavior. NeuroImage. 15, 732-740. PDF

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Karim, H., & Perlman, S.B. (2017). Neurodevelopmental Maturation as a Function of Irritable Temperament: Insights From a Naturalistic. Human Brain Mapping. 38, 5307-5321. PDF

Versace, A., Sharma, V., Bertocci, M.A., Bebko, G., Iyengar, S., Dwojak, A., Bonar, L., Perlman, S.B. et al. (2017). Using machine learning and surface reconstruction to accurately differentiate different trajectories of mood and energy dysregulate in youth. PloS ONE. 12(7). PDF

Santosa, H., Aarabi, A., Perlman, S.B., & Huppert, T. (2017). Characterization and correction of the false-discovery rates in resting state connectivity using functional near- infrared spectroscopy. Journal of Biomedical Optics. 22 (5). PDF

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Hafeman, D., Bebko, G., Bertocci, M., Fournier, J., Chase, H., Bonar, L., Perlman, S.B. et al. (2017). Amygdala-prefrontal cortical functional connectivity during implicit emotion processing differentiates youth with bipolar spectrum from youth with externalizing disorders. Journal of Affective Disorders. 208, 94-100. PDF


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