Denny Schaedig
NeuroImaging Engineer
Denny is a Software Engineer with the Laboratory for Child Brain Development working on cleaning and analyzing the labs NeuroImaging data. He is originally from Littleton, Colorado. He received his BASc. in Neuroscience at the University of Colorado Boulder in 2020 and M.S. in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning through Colorado State University Global in 2025. In his previous work, he has developed an Artificial Intelligence tool called NeuroNet to analyze fMRI data using convolutional neural networks. In his current work he has been upgrading NeuroNet with modern neural network architectures with the expertise of the lab and collaborators to analyze the labs fMRI data. He also has been transfer learning NeuroNet on a much larger dataset of +10,000 subjects acquired through the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development study to create a pre-trained AI for analyzing NeuroImaging data using emotionally relevant paradigms. In conjunction with this project, he is also developing a preprocessing python library for deconvolving fNIRS NeuroImaging data with a hemodynamic response function to acquire a closer approximation of brain signals and opening up new avenues for resampling fNIRS for machine learning.